Valerie Irvine, a professor and advisor in British Columbia, provided us- teacher candidates with important questions to really critically think about. For example- why do you think face-to-face experiences are important? which I answered stating it is important because I am a big believer in hands-on experiences and those experiences cannot be implemented through doing a course online via internet. Furthermore, as a future teacher I want to make those connections to my students. A connection through the internet is not the same as a connection face-to-face. However, I would provide different options for that learning to take place for my students, so that I covered the different learners in my classroom.
Valerie Irvine reflected on her experiences to tell us how modality shapes the concept of teaching. She stated that in one of her biology classes in high school, all she did was memorize the work. Moreover, she explained that we sometimes underestimate the fact that we have diverse learners in the classroom. I agree with this, I went through the experience where I was just memorizing tests. But did I really learn something in the class? no I did not learn.. I could not tell you anything about biology 11 class. I did poorly in the class and almost failed. This experience taught me an important lesson: to create different methods for my students to learn and PROVIDE OPTIONS. We must look at the methods and stop judging the modality- Valerie Irvine