Educators are role models who act ethically and honestly.

As educators, I believe we must maintain professionalism at all times. I think an educator is a role-model who paves a pathway for students to learn. As well, attitude is one of the most important attributes the students look at. If the educator is not being positive about a certain topic, students will have similar views and think it is okay to demonstrate that attitude. Attitude goes a long way in terms of modeling. I have demonstrated integrity, professionalism, and respect by communicating with teachers in my practicum school, staying optimistic through tough situations, and not judging by the book but learning from different perspectives during teacher meetings. My attitude in school-settings can be recognized as respectful and optimistic through tough times.


• I have attended all UNBC presentations/workshops which include – John Sherry, Marie Fanshaw, Susan Trabant, Linda O’Neil, Susan Trabant, Kim Dixon, Katie Marren, and Deneen Sawchuk.
• I was on time and organized with my lesson plans. I remember I had a set plan of what to do written on paper just so if I forgot I would look back as a reference- Harwin Elementary
• I dress professionally at all times by wearing appropriate clothing and wearing professional attire
• I was highly optimistic throughout my practicum, as I think attitude goes a long way. I greeted my students every day, dressed professionally, and worked with my practicum.
• I was professional by sitting quietly, looking on the brighter things- the presenter benefitted by having that source of meat to feed himself, and I still acknowledged his presentation by complementing his presentation to him directly – Peer’s presentation

• I attended a Professional Learning Collaboration meeting during my kindergarten practicum, where teachers respectfully talking about assessment on guided reading. Teachers would read one chapter and discuss each week about the chapter on assessment.
• I took the time to know staff during lunch times at Marie Sharpe by socializing with many different teachers and EAs.
• I asked an ESL Teacher to come observe me as well. She taught me as a child at Nesika. She kept checking on me throughout this practicum and I invited her to come observe me.
• I wear my name tag every day and introduce myself to new people whenever I can. I have positive attitude in the school environment.