It takes a BIG heart to teach LITTLE minds!

Podcasts with Tim Cavey

Tim Cavey, who moderates and creates podcasts himself, gave us students a presentation on podcasts.  Tim is a 8th grade Teacher from Surrey, BC.  Surrey is a growing multi-cultural city with many opportunities which I learned from Tim. He has recently graduated with a Masters in Leadership/Curriculum at B.I.U and he developed a thesis on podcasts and the idea of it.

Tim is really passionate about the concept of growth mindset. Tim stated that when he tells his 8th grade boys on how to grow their muscles in the gym, he gives the advice that they need to put themselves in uncomfortable positions in order to grow. That idea became fundamental to Tim as it became the motivating factor to which he started doing podcasts. Moreover, he said  “If I am not being challenged I am not growing”.  His podcast journey began…

Something that was important to me which I learned from Tim Cavey was the idea of TeachersOnFire. TeachersOnFire is something I never heard of in terms of podcasts. I do not generally hear podcasts during my free time but I did not realize how educational it can be and beneficial for me as a future educator. For example, what Tim has learned through  podcasting his work is reflecting on the student’s reading where he gives questions related to the text and student’s fill out the reflection on google classroom and record on their devices. It is a great way for students to be introduced to podcasting and a way to include technology into the classroom. TeachersOnFire is about growth and transformation for educators around the globe. Some benefits of these types of podcasts for us future educators is that it really helps us critically think, communicate, collaborate, it has universal access,  and essentially enforces the question of how can we share great learning.



  1. bharkin

    I thought it was cool that Tim uses podcasts as his way of professional learning and reflection. I also didn’t think of using podcasts as an easy way to get new ideas and perspectives on teaching. While we can’t read while doing other things, it’s easy to listen to a podcast while driving or doing chores. Do you think you will start listening to podcasts or maybe implement them in your own classroom?

    • abankole

      Great thoughts on Carvey’s podcast presentation. I also agree with you that it is about growth and transformation for educators around the globe. It also get educators to be aware of what is current about programs, skills, and strategies that can help to build a great communities of learners.

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